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The oil from the "Molí Gomà" | The oil of this harvest


How is the oil from the "Molí Gomà"

It is tasty olive virgin oil, gatronomically of a high quality since it enhances from a simple salad to the finest dishes.

Many opinions express it tastes as it used to be before, and it can be like that because in the "Molí Gomà" we still make artisan oil, like it had been made for millenniums in the Mediterranean mills till the ending XX century's mechanization, which spread worldwide because of its much higher productivity.

Our traditional milling system with granite stones, cold preparation of the paste, cold pressing on hods and slow decantation without centrifuging, keeps better some oil qualities, giving it a taste, flavour and texture very rich and unique. In the most used system nowadays, some hours are enough to get oil ready to be bottled. In the traditional one, we need weeks.

Currently, just about a 3% of the world production of olive oil comes from traditional mills.

Visit the following section if you want to know how the oil of this harvest is and what are current prices.

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